Steering column problems
maybe someone can give me a how to and some info. I have a 77 Silverado LWB with a roller 350 and TH400. My question is about the column. It has the usual tilt wheel and while it steers ok, the wheel now flops around like a bobble head. The tilt works fine and is good and solid. It's right below where the wheel attaches to the column. It moves far enough to see almost everything, the wiring, turn signal cancel cam, everything. First off, has anyone had this problem and know how to go about repairing it and second off, where to get the parts? I have never torn into one of these columns before. Done quite a few f-bodies, but never even had this type of problem with them. It was always the tilt mechanisms, not where the wheel mounts to the column. I have tried to see exactly what is loos, but can't quite figure it out. I'd go ahead and tear into it, but thought I would ask before I did something that may make it worse. BTW, I'll post some pics in a few days.
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