the flex plate eater, aka my junkyard 454
well some of you know of my ongoing problems with my motor killing flex plates, now its killed my brand new starter, piece of sh!t.
the f/p it came with was chewed and but it worked fine when i tried it, for a while, put a new f/p on and eat it up then it started working fine and now its bald and my new starter nose cone looks like a spiders web. so i bust out the flash light and monkey fawker!!! the outer edge of the block is breaking off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! through the center of the outer starter bolt hole and going up. its a very very suttle crack and very very very easy to miss, the bolt still has full engagement and isnt stripped or stripping. now im trying to figure out if i did it or if was why the donor truck got tossed.
my buddy says he can fix it, so im crossing my fingers and pulling it out of the short truck.
:beer: heres to a giant step back wards in my build a big kick in the nuts.