How I removed them frame rivets
I needed to remove the rivets holding on the spring hangers on my swb 4x4.
I started a thread asking how to do it and mixed up all the anwsers.I gathered up a chisel,punch,grinder,hammer,and my propane cutting torch.I first grinded the rivet heads off.I then used the punch to loosen the rivets some.I used the chisel and pried between the frame and spring hanger knocking it loose with the hammer.I then heated up the area around the rivet with the torch to loosen up the rivet and then hit it out using the hammer and punch.I averaged about 2-3 minutes per rivet and had to remove 6 per side.Hopefully someone can make since of this and use it to their advantage.
Last edited by 1969k10stepside; 01-20-2007 at 08:16 PM.