QJet running rich - Help!
I recently replaced the Quadrajet 4bbl on my truck with a newly rebuilt one. It came all painted up, looked better than a new one. It was suppose to have a new choke, new float, leaking ports all epoxied up, etc., I guess you could say the typical rebuild. The replacement carb made a big difference in the way my truck runs (much better). I had to adjust the idle mixture, it was off quite a bit. The only thing now is it seems like it is running real rich. I'm basing this on the fact that it smells rich. I can open the door and you can smell the gas. If I walk back toward the exhaust pipe, I smell like I've been taking a bath in gasoline. The truck is a little rough until it warms up, but it runs real good after that, but still I get the rich smell. I don't think this is normal is it? Is there anything else I can check to determine why is smells so rich? Am I going to have to go into the carb and adjust the float level or something (Lord I hope not). Any ideas you guys could throw at me would be much appreciated.

2012 Silverado LT 1500, 5.3, 6 speed auto
'86 SWB C-10 Silverado