Fuel Tank Idea ( Opinions Wanted )
HEY GUYS I GOT A 133" WB 1 TON and a standard long bed ( not the long horn bed ) and i wanted a large fuel tank capacity any how i wonder how it would do and look if a man was to make a fuel tank that fit in the gap between the front of the bed and the back of the cab to fill in the area the 5" difference between the bed lengths of the standard long beds and the longhorn beds. make the side contours match the bed contour, , from top of frame to top of bed with the fill on the top d/s corner. looks to me like it would be about a 50 gallon tank if not bigger, easy access, not in the way of hauling a load, weight would be forward off the drive axle & easy to make. seems good to me.... what do you,all think ?