06 Silverado Tranny Trouble
42,700 miles, 1013 hours, no towing, no heavy hauling...tranny fried.... I'm a const. Super. in Wash. DC., Northern VA. , Balti. MD area. LOTS of miles in 13 months, but all highway at speed. GM agreed after many and i mean many calls to cust. service to cover half as goodwill. I had it diagnost at a dealer 2 miles from my house as opposed to the one i purchased the truck and they HOSED me to GM in my opinion. Poor service, just visual inspection, and decided the tranny was cooked, didn't even drop the pan. I even requested computer diag. and they told there was no need, it would not be helpful. The 06's and newer are now using a new generation fluid called VI. Even though the 07 "classic" and the 06 still use the "hydramatic" 4L60 tranny, they will not cross over with the 05's and older. I found an 06 tranny with 2000 miles and a 24 month warranty for 1000. GM wanted 3600. installed, my cost 1800. Anyone else having any tranny troubles with 06-07 Chevy-GMC pick-up, SUV applications??????
Last edited by oomag12; 03-23-2007 at 05:53 PM.