What should i do on my mpi efi swap
I have a very interesting question to ask. I just traded a guy for a 86 camaro 305 tpi setup. And my 69 truck hasnt been running a 100% lately so i have performed a coolant combustion leak test and found very possibly that my head(s) might be cracked. Well as you might know that the 86 tpi intake is still the standard intake bolt pattern as is the carb intakes(55-86). Well i want to use the fuel injection, but i will have to get a different set of heads. Well i actually have 4 sets of vortec heads laying around but i don't really know if i want to buy the really expensive intake for vortec to tpi intake. My question is should i buy the expensive intake or should i sell my vortec heads and just buy a set of standard bolt pattern heads that flow as equal to or better than the vortec heads. My biggest point of all of this is more power, my truck is just for fun, not a work horse or a dailly driver. And if i do go with the tpi how big of a cam can i use? i have read that you can only use a cam that will allow 13 inches of vacumn @idle and that the injection is only good up to 450hp or so. I really want to go efi for the more reliabily and more power, but like i said before that this truck is for fun, Any replies would be great appreciated.
Last edited by Billy Bad A$$; 05-08-2007 at 10:28 PM.