Hey guys, another problem i think its the same one as last time. I was getting no fuel pressure, so i decided to take the tank out and clean it, but it was shiny inside so i didnt, but i did find out that the filter on the end of the pickup in the tank was all shredded, so i cut it off and put a new inline filter on instead. anyways, it ran fine for 2 days ran great, but it didnt get to 180-190 degrees lie it did today, and today it started missing and sputtering, so i pulled over and my fuel presure gauge read zero. So, i have concluded that when it gets hot, my fuel pressure stops. What could cause this?
The fuel line is rubber for about 3 feet and its over the exhaust(safe distance but still gets warm), could hot fuel lines cause this???
or can a fuel pump stop working when it gets hot?\
im stumped and need to get to work lol. any help would be appreciated.