Demon 625 - anybody running one?
i put a road demon 625 in my c10 not long ago. i have a mild jasper 350 and have been running it for about 6 months. it seems i have never got the thing to run just right, never backfires just stumbles and bogs down. i feel like i have the idle screws adjusted and the timing right. but it seems like i dont have the power i used too. when you slightly get on it you can feel the motor bog as if the mixture isnt right. Does anyone have any experience with this issue or does anyone have any suggestions on what to change or adjust. i am no expert at carbs. but i feel like there is some power that is benig held back by something simple.
also can anyone give me some good advise on setting the fast idle screw and the choke. winter is fast approaching and if i don't get it adjusted its going to have some rough starts this winter. i have made several attemps but never got it right.
Last edited by dznucks; 10-17-2007 at 09:04 AM.