Is there some sort of o ring, gasket, or something that goes in between the drain plug and the housing? There is about a 1/4"...maybe a little less of threads showing.
I was thinking about using some thredloc on all of the bolts. Are there some that it wouldn't be a good idea for? Is blue thredloc the one to use?
I have a re-print of the factory manual and it has all of the torque specs for all of the bolts. Should I just make a list of all of the specs, torque to that and then re-check after 100 miles? I believe the bolts at the front of the trailing arms call for 280 ft/lbs. I was talking to my neighbor who is more of a mechanic than me and he told me I didn't need a torque wrench that went that high and that he would set his impact to "kill" and that would be fine. I dunno about that...maybe I'm being too anal about things, but I've taken my time grinding, sanding, painting, buying quality parts and don't want things to go to crap cause I slammed it all together.
Is there anything else I'm forgetting?