When is gas going to stop? A rant.
I just read an article about the current judiciary hearing with oil executives- their salaries (all five at the hearing) are above 2 million dollars annually and they are crying that they are victims just like the rest of us yet profits of their companies have gone from 12 billion annually to over 40 billion in the past five years. Today it hit $130 per barrel! I am by no means a tree hugger but something has to give. I know that some of you guys are driving these trucks on a daily basis- how are you doing it? I put $40 bucks in over the weekend and another $21.95 yesterday and the stupid gas light came on again this evening. These executives have the nerve or audacity to stand before people and say "We understand your pain, but we are victims of the system as well; it is not our fault that we have made good investments in the past few years". Holy crap!!!!!!!!!! This sounds like the garbage that was used on people at the first part of the industrial revolution, when Rockefeller justifed why he had gold plated plumbing in his house (true fact if not Rockefeller one of the other biggies Carneige or ??? take your pick). If it gets to five the bike is coming out and trips are out, this is going to hurt us all and more importantly it will hurt our hobby and our families (milk here is nearly $5 a gallon as well). Sorry, read the article and got pissed, rant off.