How about a new Grill?
I've been thrashing away at my stepside lately fixin it up and adding weight back to it where rust once was and poly where rubber once was. I've come to a problem with my grill. I have a 73-74 chevy grill and a 75-76 front-end. As some of you may know it doesn't easily go in without the correct mounts.
I've been thinkin about gettin one of those new billit grills from LMC but I don't think I'll be able to open my hood once installed. Would I have to setup my front-end with the pull cable hood release? Will I be able to open my hood (I don't think so) with the old lift-latch thats on there now?
If the cable setup is required, I have all the parts but the cable and the part that bolts to the hood. If its needed where can I find the part that bolts to the hood? I don't think LMC offers it...