HELP!! Distributor angle????? SBC
Just a quick and probably dumb question on my part but I had the distributor apart on my 400 SBC for a refresh after 15+ years and when I went to reinstall the HEI cap assy I noticed it was angled or tilted towards the drivers side when looking at it from the front and not level with the carb... now the weird thing is I never noticed it before on any other SBC or before taking this one apart.. I threw a level on the rotor and case and everything is tilted that way.. at first I thought the cap wasn't going on right but I think this might be normal. There's nothing isn the way and the locating tab is dropped into its grove. Anyway figured it was safer to ask before turning it over and having the rotor eat the cap.
Last edited by dakman; 07-27-2008 at 04:10 PM.