There recently has been some confusion as to where to post project and build threads. We have spoken to some of ya'll and decided together to use an index thread to keep track of them. An example of an index thread is
krue's FAQ index
This can be used for more then just projects and builds.. and could become a great resource for you all..
Also all build threads originally were being moved to 67-72builds, being ya'll are part of that. Thing is that area is getting busy and your posts are getting buried. The majority we spoke to agreed on no sub forum and finding another way to do this.. so the answer is post your builds where you want, either here in the blazer message area or in the build area. Post a reply on the
index thread with a link to your build and it will be added there.
Hope this makes sense
if not just ask, its still early and what makes sense to me this time of day, usually is babble to the rest of the world