I have been rebuilding my truck since the end of june, all I had left to do was charge the A/C today and drive it home for the weekend to put some miles to break in my 406. I have driven it about five times around my shop, from the muffler shop roughly about 15 miles all and all. Well I am getting ready to drive it to my detail department as I am talking with one of my techs I see a ton of tranny oil all over the floor I shut the truck off put it on the lift and I find a crack on the tranny housing where the pressure line attaches to the tranny it is about an inch long. I was freaking bummed out I had my weekend all planned and now she is on the lift till monday to see if I can have the crack housing welded. I drained the tranny, cleaned up the area really good with my small air grinder. My guys are like dont worry about it it can be welded and is done but being the perfectionist I am I know I will end up buying a old tranny and transferring everything from my built th350. I am posting a pict of it...Come on guys cheer this old man up because I am pouting....