Fixed Choke Um Need some advice
Got a new electronic choke for my quadrajet carb I have been loosin way to much gas smell is really strong can smell the gas up to 6, 7 feet away in cab smell is bad exhaust smells like gas i checked all fuel lines, filters looked for boiling gas in carb I was stumped untill I saw that the gasket inbetween the top plate and the main body of carb was soaked with gas i'm still really confusedI just had it rebuilt not but three weeks ago i have heard that it could be the float to top plate is warped i had a friend who has 23 years working on rochester carbs rebuild it for me but he's not in town and not gunna be for awhile. any advice or has anyone had this problem before i would love to be able to repair this my self. Any info would be great. Thanx