Wassup fellas,
I haven't been on here in a while because I've been kicking a$$ on my project. I finally installed the dropmember, so the front is done and now I'm almost done with the rear,except I've come to a stopping point and I need some advice from you guys!!!! Well I decided to run a 2 link and a panhard (yeah I know,I'll get crap for this) but with some research I've done and knowing one of the best shops in S. texas (EKSTENSIVE) sell them all day long, and cost effective, it shouldn't be that bad!! and if I don't like it I can run a couple more bars later... My question to you guys is where do I put the bags on the bars? Middle, front, or back, I know I need the maximum lift because of my very steep driveway, what about the top brackets where do I start? I know I need ride height (5")of the ground, but it seems to me it woult be alot easier to start with the axle all the way to the top,which would make the bag compressed fully and everything else is just lift? right?

Well anyways let me know what you all think and I got plenty of pictures, but for now, here are a couple
<a href="http://s108.photobucket.com/albums/n10/rddiaz/?action=view¤t=progresspics006.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n10/rddiaz/progresspics006.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>