Here is a new project truck I got yesterday. It's a 72 with a 350 engine/350 trans. It looked better in the pics the previous owner sent to me. When I got there we couldn't get it started, it's been sitting in a while, last registered in 06. The engine turned over, it just wouldn't start. I'll tune it up and see what happens. This is going to be a SLOW project, just fixing stuff it needs as I go. It needs quite a bit of body work. The PO riveted and screwed replacement panels on
! Good thing is I only spent 500 bucks on it and it's got 4 brand new Goodyear Wrangler tires and new exhaust.
Now get this. The 72 I used to have that I sold to buy my house was at a car lot today. You know the type, crappy cars-pay as you go type thing. Well I stopped and talked to the lot owner and he said the enging was locked up. He thinks they are going to trade it in for something that runs. I told him it used to be my truck and I want it back and to call me if he gets it. I might hunt down the owner and see if they want to trade my running 72 for theirs. Wish me luck on that. I really want that truck back!
Anyway, here's pics of the truck I picked up yesterday