I finally got my cam corder and my mouse configured at home so I can start taking and downloading pictures. If anyone remebers, last year I was coming back from placing 1st in a local show. I decided to take a short cut back to the interstate through the country. Sure no problem doing 65-70 MPH. Now I didn't know that tractor trailers use this road a lot. They put some very deep wheel travel paths in the soft asphalt road. I came up to this curve and past the curve the travel paths were very deep. I tried to put the driver side on the top and the passenger side nearly off the road. Since I was too late in reacting the driverside A-arm scrapped the top of the center asphalt mound. At high speeds its no fun. I had ashalt all over the engine bay and tar too. Even on top of the air cleaner.

Not to mention all my aluminum wheels which were hot so the tar stuck to them like glue.

It took me almost 2 hours to clean off the all the wheels. The engine bay was worse. I had to take several trips to the car wash. Even today there are rocks all over the place. At first I though no major problem but when I looked at the A-arm was badly damage. I now have used parts of a suburban that are going to be rebuilt and installed to replace the original parts. Here are the pictures of the damaged A-arm
Once I close on my first house at the end of the month BADBOW is getting some very badly needed work.