This is just an advisory to all the members here. I believe our long time good priced supplier, Classic Parts Depot has finally bitten the dust. I have had an order in with them that should have been ready two weeks ago and now four weeks later, no one is answering phones...the voicemail box is full...the email inbox is full...fax will not go through... and if that is not enough, I stopped by their shop today for the second time and there are notices from SoCal Edison on the door demanding payment. Plus lots of notes posted on the door from other angry people waiting for their parts. I am sorry to say that I was into them for $200 and I think it is sad that Richard could not tell me since I placed the order in person! Unless anyone has some contradictory information, I would urge CAUTION to anyone who was considering an order with them. Sorry for the bad news as they were one of the best priced suppliers for our trucks. Maybe something will happen and this will not end up this way, but right now it does not look good.
Again, if someone has better information than me or Richard is a member here, then PLEASE post! But with all the other information provided, I find it hard to believe this is not the case...

And I just really wanted my parts..