Cool thing happened today !
I went to a local car show today and found out that any participants that wanted to take a few laps at the old Texas World Speedway were welcome to . We met back at the park and drove out to the track and got to make some low speed passes on the steep banks . That is a feeling . They are steep . I was able to speed up to about 80 in one of the turns but didnt want to pass anyone . Most were around 65 . My boys had a VBS to attend at church so I left the car show , drove home (25 miles one way) picked them up and returned to College Station to go to the track . The first pass was real slow at about 35mph and it felt like the truck would tip over to the drivers side . What a weird feeling . My youngest, which is the wildest , wasnt so sure about that feeling and even asked me to go back to the bottom . Once we increased the speed he was asking for more speed . My boys absolutely loved it and I am soo glad I went home to get them . They didnt really know what to expect and I didnt either but it was a very unique feeling . My camera I had in the truck died instantly so I only have these long shots my wife was able to get but you can get an idea of the banking .
Born and proudly residing in a Red State !