Re: Longhorn Club ??
RE; the green 1971 longhorn, thanks for you replys and encouragement. It is a great truck. I went to Idaho to bring it back to New Mexico. That's where dad and mom were living. The truck is automatic (shifter on the column) but it has 3 speeds, drive, L1, L2. The air condition is not factory, but put on by the dealer in 1971-72 and fits under the dash. Still works but I think it had a squeel in it so I turned it off and haven't used it since. The radio is original too, I'm in the process of getting a new antenea fo it. The hubcaps were on the truck when dad passed away and those were the ones i got restored, original to 1971. in Calif did the work. $70 each (ouch but they really look great). they were fast and friendly, and I would recommend them. 3 hubcaps were chrome, 1 stainless steel. They undented them all, painted them the original black cog design w/ blue bowtie, and polished them up. The chrome ones really need rechromed, but that's expensive I've heard so i didn't do that. So some of the yellowish metal shows thru at the edges of the old dents. But they really came out great anyway and add a lot to the truck, I'll post pics of the caps as soon as i take some. If you're ever in NM let me know, we'll go cruise!