I'm in the Albuquerque area for a few months & these 2 Craigslist ads caught my eye as a possible combo...will they bolt directly onto one another? If so, what would be fair $ offers for each of the two? Also, I'm assuming that dealing with swapping the 2 cabs would require a shop facility with a hoist, etc...would any other part of the swap require a shop facility? Any ideas of minimal total shop hours required to end up with something that could at least be towed out in one piece & parked for a diy completion? (FWIW, I'm more interested in ending up with something more like LAWMAN02's red f/d truck on this pg
http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/s...=191687&page=7 rather than a low-rider sort of rig.) Is there any salvage value to the Chevy body or the GMC chassis or motor? What would the end result be worth?