Hello, new to the forums. I have frequented the team chevelle forums and this place seems like the truck counterpart
So I bought a '68 C-20 from a guy, it had been sitting for 8 years and was looking pretty bad. He wasn't asking much so I decided to check it out. Turns out the body looks quite nasty but mostly due to surface rust... pics to come. Anyway, the questions...
- longhorn man said in another post that the C-20 suspension and brakes are expensive to maintain. Are there late-model suspensions that I can find in a junkyard that bolt up? I won't be putting in a super-powerful engine and will only be towing a trailer occasionally, until my chevelle is done. Which has taken 10 years so I'll give it another 10/.
- As far as lowering the truck, I don't want a lowrider but I do like a lower look. Which suspension components should I look at to acheive that? (junkyardable stuff?) I'll definately leave ground clearance for streetability and don't want to do bags because they seem too expensive and time consuming.
That's it for now, I'll be back...