Died at an intersection, DOH!
I appeal for help to the kind folks here as I've now officially exhausted my girlfriend's patience in picking me up from vehicle breakdowns.(this was #1 or '10..hopefully won't hit the 4 or 5 number I hit last year)
As I was driving through the city today after a 20minute trip to Home Depot my truck died as I stopped at a red light. It has stalled out before and usually starts by turning the key over but this time the starter just cranked but it wouldn't startup up. I hopped out(with hazards on..as a full city bus waited behind me along with the rest of traffic) and shot in some starter fluid to the carb and it had no effect, just more cranking and no starting. The radiator lines weren't especially hot and it wasn't overheating as far as I could tell, the lights and everything worked and it did crank so I knew the battery wasn't dead(though it is low nowfrom all the attempts at cranking).
Finally I corralled some people walking by to help me push it into a parking spot and I left it there for the night to collect my thoughts and head over with a gameplan. I plan to charge the battery first thing, following that what should I do? What should I check? I'm guessing ignition maybe ?
Gas gauge showed a quarter tank..going to put a gallon in just in case, it didn't chug or do any of that running out of gas stuff though and I would think the starter fluid would have at least gotten it to start for a second.
It's a '67 C10 with the gmc 305 v6, turbo 400 transmission. Any help is most appreciated, just put this truck back on the road and it's my daily driver.