Originally Posted by 72truckman
.... Im having problems too. Mine runs at idle but 0 throttle response. Its showing codes that its not getting a signal from the pedal. Ive now read that all the pedals work and are wired differently... Now i need an '06 pedal. Since the 2006 is plastic and unalterable, I have an idea for how to mount it. If i make a plate that mounts where the original pedal mounts and extend that plate over to the left say, 4 inches. That will provide a solid mount for the new pedal and have no interference from the brake pedal. There is alot more room under the dash than i previously thought.
Cant believe i spent all the time modifying this pedal and getting it to fit perfectly only to throw it out... 
This is alsmost the exact same result that Glock had on his swap. He ended up buying and modifying one of the plastic ones like pictured above. I will try to find the link to it.....okay I found it,
Good luck!