c10 dropped at a metal recycler this morning.
I passed a guy this morning heading to the recycle yard in Nacogdoches Texas today. He had a 67 to 72 Chevy c10 on a trailer. I didnt have time to flag him down to get him to just take it to my place down the road.
I stopped by the recycler after class this morning and its there. Its has a late 70's bumber and cut up grill in it. Bed is in good shape, manual trans, needs doors reskined, rockers and cab corners. Also has disk brakes up front. Bed looks decent, but I couldnt really tell with all the crap in the back. If I had the cash I would see if they would sell it to me, be the fasted profit they have ever made. Ill go back and take picks if anybody wants them.
1970 GMC truck 
1988 Harley 1200 Sportster