Coy Wheels suprised me today!!
Just a lit rant,
So I placed my order for some c5's 5 weeks ago and they were suposed to be at more door as promised on Wednesday the 26th. I asked several times if they were to be shipped and delivered on the 26th and they told me several times that was correct because I have a show I was supposed to attend. I call back today to confirm they were on schedule an they told me that there was no way that they were going to be shipped and it could be up to 2 more weeks before they get shipped out. I just think its crappy because they didnt have any solution to fix the problem and didnt act like they even cared. Thats BS from a consumer stand point and I coudnt believe that was the case here. I just think if someone promises something they should carry out that promise. Coy wheels went down several pegs in my book.
Coda O'Dell