'00 2.2 Alternator R&R?
I'm getting ready to remove and replace the alternator on my '00 S-10, At 68,000-miles the original one took a dump. I don't like rebuilt stuff, so I asked a neighbor that does a lot of Chevy stuff what he uses. He said the new ones at 'O Reilly Auto Parts have worked good for him, so I checked it out. For a little under a $150.00 I got a new 100-amp alternator that's made in Mexico (that's where the good ones come from, right?) and has a lifetime guarantee.
As a rule, I think Powermaster makes the best stuff around, but every once in a while I like to see what else is out there. Seeing as how the Delphi only made it 68,000 miles, I know they're junk (are they made in Mexico?).
Wow, I guess I should make this long story short, and ask how any one of you might have gone about digging the alternator out of there? My guess is to pull the air box and maybe the top radiator hose will let it out the top? Maybe it will drop out the bottom easier... Who knows?
I appreciate any, and all clues, thank you.