Brake Help Please
Please give me some insight. So I am just about to go get the blazer licensed and my brakes start acting up. First I noticed that when I let off the gas to coast it feels like the brakes are engaging bringing me to a stop. So being the rocket scientist that I am I decide to get after it and see what happens. Decided I wanted to do a burnout and see what I could do, worked well. But when I stopped I was still in drive and not moving anywhere. step on the gas and it would move but not very willingly. Parked it and pulled the drums off the rear to find that the PO had put the passenger side back together without a brake shoe retainer spring. So I bought a spring kit and replaced them all. Took it out for a test drive rolled a few feet no problems but then it started again. not only that it was pulling me hard to the right. Jacked up the front end took the passenger front wheel off and the rotor would not turn at all and was hot. Took off the caliper, the rotor turned fine so off to the part store to return the 5 month old caliper. New caliper on, fits better and rotor turns, bled the brake line and doesn't turn so freely. Took for a drive and it was coasting when i let off but once I really stepped on the brake and we are back to not moving. My thoughts are brake line or master cylinder? Any insights much appreciated!!!!!!