going price on realy sharp panels
WHile Im fixing my panel up mainly because ti was my my grandfather and I grew up taking vactions all over NC,TEN,Vir and Florida in it.I would like to be able to put a price on it when its finished.
I figure between powertrain up grades, new paint job to be show quality if I can(Im pretty determined at times) and with finished and custom interrior it should be a total show truck,but hopefully one I can still drive from time to time. It should be worth a decent amount. Wondering how much the rarity of these old panels,much less super sharp ones ,effect resale value.
If you have a total retored,cutomized panel let me know what you think your would be worth and if don't mind a short list of mods or how close to new condition.
Plus if i convence the old lady its as much as investment as it is for the fun of new toy.Even better,yea she knows better.