350 installed
Today i installed the SBC /700R4 in my 60 GMC. I had a 86 donor truck and used the mounts from it in the 60. I just had to add a 1" shim under the mounts, but after that, it fit like a glove, I mean tight and exact, no slop whatsoever, so it took awhile to squeeze it in there. Had to lower it in with the mounts on the engine, put it in place, mark the holes for the mounts and take it back out. I then drilled the holes for the mounts I had marked and put it back in again. Quite a little work, but worth it. Now, I got a lot of things to install, and also need to make a crossmember and have a driveshaft made. Just glad to have the heavy work out of the way. Thanks to everyone for giving me the right information on how to handle the mount setup.
Last edited by skysoldier173rd; 08-19-2010 at 08:24 PM.