what a day..... truck "ran" perfecto... then bang!
so I swapped carbs on my 65 GMC and seemed to go really well. Swapped a Holley 750 for an Eddelbrock 600 (its on a mild SBC, so no need for the 750). Fired it, adjusted and seemed to get it all right. Went for a drive and BANG, white smoke, then dead! For about 5 seconds, then it started right up. Ran it home, all seemed ok. Then I put the air cleaner on and went for a drive.... gpot two blocks and it started to act as if it wasn't getting any fuel (hmmm..... air cleaner problem I guess).could be?
So I certianly have some tuning issues going on, and will probably seek professional help as it stands, I may be out of my element as far as fine tuning goes.... but the other thing that is strange.... when I plug in the electric choke.... it barely runs.
Anyway.... just needed to vent and see if anyone in the Seattle area knows a good tuner who can work through some of the issues I have.
Thanks, Eric