Originally Posted by Stitch
I know what you're saying about the reason for the rendering and I understand that. The rendering he is doing though IMO looks like a cartoon. Once again IMO a tendering should look like a picture of the truck. That's all I was getting at. And to insinuate that his renderings are good because he's had his stuff in truckin' is meaningless. Have you seen some of the stuff they publish in that magazine? Lol. Like I said in my previous post, I think the drawing will look good. I just don't think it'll look like a picture but more cartoonish.
Check out Carter Hickman's renderings and you'll see what I'm talking about
First, I'm just to be clear, not trying to flame you or start an argument...
I'm curious as to why you dont think this rendering looks "acceptable"? I am also a published artist that has been featured a couple of months ago in "Truckin" (Issue #10, Artist: Billetproofcustoms). Curious for your opinion of my stuff too..In defense of the artist, I think this rendering looks exactly like a rendering should, keep in mind as an artist myself, when I draw a truck/car/whatever, it is my interpretation of what the client wants, renderings can be "an exact picture" in every aspect, or they can have slight exaggerations to highlight a feature, or they can be an obvious "cartoon". What I am getting at is they all qualify as renderings. IMO..
Anyway..ERBSIX, props to the artist, (Sammy), rendering looks great, and good luck with the truck man!