I went to work a couple Saturdays ago, listening to a clicking noise coming from the left front of my 80 short wide. After work I went to the stealership and attempted to work a deal where I trade in my truck and drive away in a brand new 2011 Chevy Silverado 1500 WT. I couldn't reach amicable terms with the stealership, so I drove away still listening to my clicking, rattling, grumbling, whistling 80 pickup. The next week I went to a Jeep stealer since my lady was telling me I already have another truck (I have a 94 Dodge 2500 4x4 diesel). She was right. She said maybe a Jeep would be cool. So we ended up with a new 2010 Jeep. But I still have my 80. So I'm gonna put it in the garage and get er done right this time. So when I finally get the garage cleaned out enough I'll take some beginning pics and make a project thread for it. It's gonna be a short wide doolie. I'm almost excited!