Well, a good friend of mine (The guy letting me borrow the WideBand O² Sensor) told me to ask another buddy of ours, about my carb. (Since he has an 11 second 66 mustang that still runs 289cid!). So I talked to him and told him what my truck was doing. The first thing out of his mouth was "The carb isn't leaking, it's leaking through the secondary venturii's and it's flooding out the motor. Turn down the secondary a good deal, then run the motor continually turning up the secondary float. Once the motor falls on it's face, back it off about a half a turn, and you'll be set." Ok, this guy's never even SEEN my carb and he's a freakin genius! So I go out and do what he says..PRESTO! Idles like a damn dream! I was getting a bit of pinging when I revved it really hard, but I think that's due to the fact that I'm running 14º base timing with 9.5:1 pistons and 87 octane.