MY SON FINALLY TALKED ME INTO GOING WITH HIM TO HAVE MY TRUCK DYNO'D IN RICHMOND VA. ABOUT 75 MILES FROM HERE. TALKIING ABOUT A HUMBLING EXPERIENCE (SORT OF WISH i HADNT GONE ) 300 TORQUE --240 HP . i HAVE A 400 bored 40 over , 268 cam Ithink , flat top pistons . long tube headers. msd 6al , airgap intake , 750 holley, . I knew Ididnt have a monster engine but Ithought I had a little more than that . The culprit that is holding me back is my cast heads > they have been ported & polished -3 way valve cut & milled . 30 , but according to the guy at the dyno my heads suck >really holding me back <
Just wanted to share this< Oh afterward we went to the strip .Imade 2 passes --a 14.27 at 94 mph. & a 14.56 at 93. Not too bad for a 240 hp , heavy square truck . What a way for a 64 yr old to spend his Friday