A few weeks ago, I purchased this 70' blazer from washington state. After looking and waiting for just the right one for the past year. Finally this one appeared on all of craigslist. After all the pics were sent to me of specific areas, and made sure it was not a scam, I jumped on it. I don't know what it is about the pacific NW, but trucks stay fairly rustfree. This truck only has tiny bubbles at the door corners,about 2 sq inches big. I ran the engine #s, since my brother was arguing that it is a 327. I figured it was a 307,but turns out it is a 1970 255hp 4 barrel!!, which i thought was awesome. As for buying something 3000 miles away, I was scared as hell until the truck arrived ten days later. lots of pics sealed it for me, he was also state police. I am a happy man and it was priced well below market value. This is my 6th blazer so far,this disease has not left me for more than 20 yrs!!!