Originally Posted by Rich 5150 69
Hey Mark that was the same time I went thru mine, only in `93, when I had a lot more energy, 6 weeks from start time to driving, that was stripping, painting, new door parts, engine, trans and alum bed...been driving the begeezes out of it sense then, just a little over a 120,000 miles on it, its time to do it all over again, this time big block, muncie, and air...maybe
No kidding about the diminished energy level. Twenty years ago I would have pulled the front clip, engine and suspension, stripped everything bare and started from there. Being old with back and knee problems, if I pulled it all apart there’s a good chance I’d never put it back together.
Thankfully I’ll be happy if it just looks decent to the casual observer and in photographs.
I drove mine for about 15 years with a TH350 before I swapped in a Richmond 4 speed. There’s just nothing more fun than a manual 4 speed. My only regret is that I didn’t go with an M22 rock crusher. I just love the howling of those gears!