Hi, I bought this Pilot perf. remote starter. Am having a problem with the directions, which are fairly easy to understand. Problem is what ign wire do i select from the ign sw "PLUGS". There are 2 ign power wires RED - 1 ign wire BROWN. They are in 2 different PLASTIC plugs. 1 is blck the other clear.
I have the steering column laying on cab floor, the ign sw is attached and the PLUGS are in the ign sw. I tested the red power wire on the relay with a trouble lite and power is going to the PUSHBUTTON RELAY. All you have to do, if everything is hooked up correctly, is to turn key on then press the start pushbutton. Nothing happens. I am getting 12v directly from battery. That is where i am at this time. The battery was low, so am charging at this time. I know you need a lot of amps to start. Could this be a problem. Would like any suggestions. Thanks in advance. Frankyjoe 73classic. I don't know how to dwnload a pic of my truck. Any suggestions.