Bamabob's 49 Old Raggedy Truck
I posted a couple pictures of my old 49 that I'm putting on a mid 90's Explorer frame. It was suggested that I do a build thread so here goes it.
I've been wanting to put together another AD truck for years. This is kind of an "in memory of" build. My dad and I did a ton of cars back in my teen-age years in the 70's. We were mainly into 60's Camaros and Mustangs. Back then you could buy one fairly cheap, fix it up and drive it until somebody talked you out of it and then do another one. Didn't realize it but that time together sticks out as our best times together.
One day I drug home a 52 GMC pick-up. Dad was not very exited about it. His words were something like "do you realize what we'll have after we put a bunch of money and time into that old truck? No, what? "We'll just have an old raggedy truck". He got on board but still fussed about it the whole time. Cool thing is I would come home from being out with my friends or something and he would be working on it or tell me some idea he had for doing something on it.
It eventually got finished and we kept it for several years. I went of to college, graduated, got a job, got married and still had the truck. Shortly before my daughter was born I decided to sell it. That was 21 years ago. My dad died from cancer back in 1992. Every time I see an old 3 window AD truck it brings back a lot of memories so I knew I had to put one together someday.
So here's my start. A trailer load of parts I bought off Craigslist. The guy had big plans that never happened.