To make it a short story: I was building my C10 over at my buddy Jimmie's house. He really got me in to anything 67-72. I'd have to say this is the first time I've ever been addicted to a certain body style. One day I bring my wife over and she falls in love with one of his Blazers. So.... I bought her one for her birthday. Then, last night she says since you look at all the builds on that website....why don't you start your own? Good we go.
Here she is the day we got her home.... Its a Southern California truck so it has very little rust compared to what I've seen on here

. She wanted a 68 front clip so that's why its on there. When i bought the blazer from my friend the deal was "everything to build it comes with it" So I have made a few trips to his house but in the end i have "everything". That is until I find something i don't have