What kind of axles and tcase should i replace my Dana 44s with?
I am looking at beefing up my axles and replacing my np203. I have a 72 blazer with Dana 44 front and rear. I have a 350ci/350hp motor with a th350. I will more than likely be running 35's. Mainly around town driving, but a few trips a year to the mountains of colorado for weeklong camping/offroad trips with my jeep buddies.
Should i just stick with Dana 60s front and back and an np 205?
Or should i be looking for a newer model chevy truck 2500 to rob the running gear from? What are the axle names i should be looking for? What transfer case should i look for? What year models of trucks/tahoes/suburbans should i be searching for?
Sound off on your experiences/preferences please. Thanks.