Well, on the subject of nose jobs, I know it's been over a decade now, but this...
...is what got my truck to this...
Like jb1016, it wasn't really my fault, but all rear-enders are the fault of the one in the rear.
I was driving down a road in my bright blue truck that must be hard to see in bright sunlight or something, when an old geezer in a white Ford Ranger (XLT, Supercab, camper, chrome factory wheels; I remember ALL the details) pulled out of a parking lot right in front of me. I swerved into the left lane to avoid him and ended up nailing an Audi that was stopped, waiting to turn left. In hindsight, I should have nailed the stupid ranger right in the driver's door. Myself and the driver of the Audi were both completely un-injured, so that was good. My truck ended up being totalled, but obviously, I didn't let it go.