Pulled my 72s future heart
Just pulled a vortec 350 from a 96 chevy truck today. Got it home and put it on the stand. I was a little concerned when I pulled the A/C compressor and altenater cause the heads did not have the saw tooth marks that vortecs are said to have. It didn't make sense cause there were only 8 intake bolts and they were straight up and down. So I pulled the valve covers and the casting numbers are definitely vortecs. It will be a while before I get to do the build because I am heading back overseas. I am just happy to have a spare engine to build. Especially with the heads I want and in a roller block. I also have my serpentine setup. It was all for a great price from one of my soldiers. I plan to give it an LT4 hotcam with 1.6.1 roller rockers, comp beehive springs, screw in rocker studs and have the machine shop grind the valve guides, top it with an edelbrock rpm air gap intake and I will freshen up the bottom end with rings and bearings if everything specs out correctly. I am gonna back it up with a phoenix transmission 700R4. I was gonna go with monster transmission but I read some horrible reviews about them. I'll post some pics up.