Hey guys, I have been looking around for something to help keep air circulating in the truck, and maybe even have a heating option for those cold mornings. My truck has a full shaved firewall, and Im considering not running A/C as it will save a few bucks and be one less ugly pulley on my engine. Its not gonna be driven daily, its just a nice weekender.
I have looked into the Mojave Heaters, but I dont really know if thats what I want... I think something that has a blower to keep air flowing(if I dont want the window down) and something with a heating element, for the cold mornings and possible defrost. Ideally it would have a turn knob controls rather than slider bars. As you can see in the pic below, I dont have the original sliders.
Id love to see what you guys have done using maybe something out of another car or even something aftermarket.
Thanks guys!