well dove into the 63 front end swap - 6 hours and all i got done was not much
with 3 guys all we got done was removing all of the stock suspension and steering stuff. got all but 1 danged bolt out of the crossmember so thats the biggest challenge. thing wont budge and cant get any good leverage on it. its one of the 3 bolts that hold the pass side of the crossmember to the frame (the 3 bolts up inside the spring perch pocket), just nno angle avail to use an impact wrench and not enough room to gain leverage to do it by hand. cant get it from the top either. what a PITA@!
i decided to get new upper control arms from summit. for essentially the cost of new ball joints i got whole new setup. looks better and should last a while. keeping stock lowers tho. got some noew shocks, a new dual master and ordered up the prop valve. going to get the pow steering pump and hoses today.
once i can get that danged bolt out i will be good (well i hope). its of course right next to the gas line and im nervous to cut it if i have to. may try and find a hacksaw first.
the last option - and id hate to do it - is to cut the spring pocket out of the crossmember and then i can get to the bolt. i hate to destroy original old parts but if there is no value in it then i just might go that route. what do you think?