First time out of garage in 7 years!
What a ride! No plates, no inspection. Adjusted clutch, started truck (forgot to adjust clutch rod under dash. Good thing it stalled before putting a new door in rear of garage! So happy my rebuilt power steering works excellent. Out on the road wind in my hair, hhmmm something smells like it's burning, must be residue on pipes etc. Pull into friends house and combination smoke and steam fills cab. Jump out and open hood and pull off battery cable. Forgot to tighten valve cover, well oiled hood hinges! Radiator screaming, must have had an air gap when filling coolant. Fill coolant try to start truck, out of gas (gauge a little off). Get ride to station for gas, pour it in and crank it up. More wind in hair. Shift from second to third and shifter comes out of tranny and falls on floor! Jamb it back in and make it back to house and a few stiff drinks. This restoration stuff is such fun!!