Extreme or hardcore 4x4 builds
I thought I would put together a compilation of builds that are a lil more extreme than most are used to on this forum. I like them cause it shows what can be done with our rigs when it comes to wheelin.
Warning: If cut sheetmetal makes you queezy, do not click on the links. Most of the builds are highly modified. Usually the result of build a lil, wheel a lil, build a lil, wheel a lil. Othertimes the rigs start-out as rusty donor trucks that are not worth the time and effort to perform rust repair. So the owners enjoy the best looking trucks/blazers that Chevy ever built.
You'll also notice that this thread does not contain the done-many-times-before 4" lift on 35's (notice mine is not in this thread either).
Lastly, please add links to other extreme builds. BUT, if it rolls on anything less than 38's, please don't add it here. Like I said before, we've seen that build, many, many times. Thanks!
Cheers and enjoy!