Originally Posted by bark
Are you sure you ended up with a 2" drop spring??? kinda sounds way too low????
also don't pull the front bump stops, you can just jack up your truck, hang the front suspension so you have room to work, and take a sawzall to the rubber stops, cut the top half off, that way you have more travel, but also don't bottom steel on steel!!!!
and you currently have the wrong shocks on the front of your truck, they are too long,
Unless you have more then a 2" drop spring????? the spindles won't affect shock length
255 60 15 should fit
I took the drop springs off and just cut one coiL off the the stock and they still stand taller than the drop springs when next to each other. And the shock is still compressed all the way down. I was looking into some front shock mount extenders for it and see if that helps with the shock issue.
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